Wednesday, 27 November 2019


Have you ever felt like Urgh! It's getting so sore down there or the fuck is becoming unbearably rough? Have you felt like the tunnel of goodies is occasionally pinching you? All this happens when the wells goes dry. At extreme cases, vaginal dryness can cause sores or cracking in the vaginal tissue. So what causes vaginal dryness? Here is your get to know.

Drug treatment: Drugs such as allergy and cold medications, antidepressants and cancer treatments causes vaginal dryness. These drugs impacts a drying effect which dries out mucus membranes including the one found in vaginal tissue.

Hygiene products: Chemicals found in feminine sprays, harsh soaps, swimming pool, hot tub, some washing powders can greatly alter the thin mucus lining found on the walls of the vagina meant for keeping it wet. Ladies who does douching are also prone to vaginal dryness as it washes away the mucus membrane. 

Hormonal changes: The hormone  Estrogen is responsible for maintaining vaginal wetness, elasticity and its general health. Hormonal changes  as a result of childbirth, breastfeeding or menopause lowers Oestrogen levels which leads to vaginal dryness. Hormonal family planning methods such as the use of patch, Depo injection among others causes a shift in hormonal balances thus contributing to the problem.

Insufficient arousal: The chemistry between the two partners in the act and their state of mind plays a big role in levels of arousal. A smart chemistry bring fast and complete arousal while relaxed and present mind complements the feeling thus rendering the wells wet. Insufficient arousal that can be a result of poor preparation, stress or depression results to a dry vagina.
Smoking: Ladies who smoke cigarettes and or marijuana experience vaginal dryness. These drugs dries up mucus membranes around the body. Mouth feels sore and itchy, throat feels dry, Eyes feels dry and vaginal tissue is not an exception. The thin mucus lining is rendered dry and oooh yes! The dry Vagygy syndroms draws in.
Smoking: Ladies who smoke cigarettes and or marijuana experience vaginal dryness. These drugs dries up mucus membranes around the body. Mouth feels sore and itchy, throat feels dry, Eyes feels dry and vaginal tissue is not an exception. The thin mucus lining is rendered dry and oooh yes! The dry Vagygy syndroms draws in.

The list cannot be exhausted but it's wise to know when the situation *refuses laughter*..hence necessitating a call to physician. For instance, if the pain/ discomfort lasts beyond three days or is accompanied by severe vaginal bleeding, seek medical assistance.

Monday, 18 November 2019


Secondary school to a majority who go through it is deemed a voluntary prison; a shell that shields you from living a life your wish as a teenager. Back then we dreaded highschool life because we were cut off from getting entertained to our satisfaction, getting meals of choice as well as restrained movement for those of us in boarding schools. I donno what you hated the most about life in highschool.

After years of that longing, to pen down the last letter on your KCSE paper the euphoric  moment is here. Right? You may never have tried to visualize how the after highschool life maybe like. However, from experience I can assure you that it's  both exuberant and tough. However I am here for you. Here are some tips on how to make after highschool life easier to maneuver through.

Credit management:  with your mobile phone around you 24-7, airtime becomes part of your daily expense. Poor airtime use habits can get you overwhelmed to an extent of stealing from your parents or lying just to have it. So how can you remain connected to your friends without necessarily biting more than you can chew. First, make affordable weekly or monthly bundle subscriptions for data and messages. It saves you the heck of daily subscription. Secondly avoid unnecessary calls to friends n relatives and finally do not spend what you do not have. Avoid okoa jahazi thing!

Get something to do: After highschool, homestay becomes easier  when you have something to keep you busy than when you idle around. * Idle mind is the devil's workshop*.While at home, stay engaged in a value addition activity. Be quick to accept training offers that parents may organize for you. You can not only go for computer lessons, but also go for driving, beauty therapy, playing musical instruments lessons...such. You can also help your parents with suggestions of trainings you maybe interested in.
Grab available money making opportunities: A form four leaver is seen as an adult in the society. Apart from a few who are babied around by their guardians, you should step out and go out to hustle instead of depending on your parents entirely even for that much needed credit. Be on the watch out for any decent employment opportunity around you. There is that mama looking for an m.pesa operator, there is a hotel looking for attendants, there is business looking for shop attendant. At this stage you are employable. Look even for juniors looking for people to coach them. You will earn as you learn. Don't  just sit back and watch movies from morning to morning. 

Play safe, cyber bullying is real:

Today, access to information and sharing is almost instant. Be careful about what you share out with your friends, especially anything visual. We have had cases of suicide out of a teen sharing nudes with their confidant and the moment the relationship goes sore, the confidant exposes them. Play safe, avoid sharing content that can cause havoc incase it lands in the wrong hands. Again remember that the internet never forgets, avoid sharing what you may wish to undo in future but cannot be undone.

Uphold discipline: Anywhere you go values that add up to discipline must be upheld if you want to live peacefully with the people around you. Being obedient, honest, chaste and focused will greatly help you in moving even when translating into your next level in life. Avoid dating around, sleeping around, drinking around and no one shall question your integrity.
P/Time to go home

Monday, 11 November 2019


It feels good to be that impeccably clean, fresh smelling feminine both from inside to outside. When we talk of a lady's cleanliness, emphasis are put oh her jar of cookies (vagina) for a thousand and one reasons. Naturally, vagina is capable of cleansing itself hence giving it a natural smell. However, to some ladies, unusual vaginal odor keeps on popping from time to time while to others it is a lifetime thing. The bad odor can be a result of imbalances in vaginal PH, consuming strongly spiced food, menstruation or intercourse. Whether it's  a long term or a short term menace, bad vaginal odor can be minimized or cleared. Here are some remedies for you.

Take plenty of fleshy fruits: what do i mean here? Water melons, pineapples, mangoes cran berries and what have yous. These fruits contain sweetly scented juices that are capable of transforming your vaginal secretions smell and taste from bad to good. Having that disgusting fish like, garlic like, pilau like odor down there? Worry not. Grab plenty of these fruits and it shall be well.
Practise good hygiene: Use a washcloth to clean your jar of cookies with plenty of pure clean water. Do not use soap either because it alters vaginal PH making your condition more severe. This will help get rid of sweat, dead skin and dirt that could be causing a bad smell. This practice is crucial during menstruation because it helps keep the metallic like smell away.

Dress appropriately: During a time when you have a bad odor attack, put on a loose cotton pantie. Loose panties helps with good air circulation around your cookies jar while a tight one will keep dirt, secretion and sweat close to your vagina hence worsening the situation. A cotton pantie is recommendable because it helps trap secretions and sweat that causes the odor. Be sure to change your pantie oftenly.
Stay hydrated: It is important to take plenty of clean water as it helps cleanse your body systems internally. Clean water neutralizes your body secretions hence preventing unhealthy bacterial growth.  The frequent peeing that is a result also helps with clearing dirt around your vagina adding up to its cleanliness.

Drink plenty of yoghurt: Alterance of vaginal PH leads to unhealthy growth of vaginal bacteria leading to unusual odor. Yoghurt helps with balancing vaginal PH which in turn encourages healthy growth of these bacteria and hence normalizing the vaginal odor. It is therefore important to take plenty of yogurt not only when the vaginal odor goes out of hand but occasionally to ensure that you remain on the safe side.

Pee after sexual act: At times, you may notice an unusual odor after sex. This may be a result of interaction between semen and vaginal fluids as well as friction. Peeing immediately will help you rinse off these fluids. You can also go ahead and use pure water to rinse them off.

Bottom line
Different women have distinct vaginal order. However, there is one thing that is constant in all women; vaginal PH.This determine whether your vaginal odor is going to be normal or unusual (bad). A healthy vaginal PH normalizes vaginal bacteria growth which makes its discharge and smell constant and usual. Imbalances in Vaginal PH causes abnormal growth of vaginal bacteria which causes variation of it smell. It is therefore very  important to strive to maintain a normal Vaginal PH.