Have you ever felt like Urgh! It's getting so sore down there or the fuck is becoming unbearably rough? Have you felt like the tunnel of goodies is occasionally pinching you? All this happens when the wells goes dry. At extreme cases, vaginal dryness can cause sores or cracking in the vaginal tissue. So what causes vaginal dryness? Here is your get to know.
Drug treatment: Drugs such as allergy and cold medications, antidepressants and cancer treatments causes vaginal dryness. These drugs impacts a drying effect which dries out mucus membranes including the one found in vaginal tissue.
Hygiene products: Chemicals found in feminine sprays, harsh soaps, swimming pool, hot tub, some washing powders can greatly alter the thin mucus lining found on the walls of the vagina meant for keeping it wet. Ladies who does douching are also prone to vaginal dryness as it washes away the mucus membrane.
Hormonal changes: The hormone Estrogen is responsible for maintaining vaginal wetness, elasticity and its general health. Hormonal changes as a result of childbirth, breastfeeding or menopause lowers Oestrogen levels which leads to vaginal dryness. Hormonal family planning methods such as the use of patch, Depo injection among others causes a shift in hormonal balances thus contributing to the problem.
Insufficient arousal: The chemistry between the two partners in the act and their state of mind plays a big role in levels of arousal. A smart chemistry bring fast and complete arousal while relaxed and present mind complements the feeling thus rendering the wells wet. Insufficient arousal that can be a result of poor preparation, stress or depression results to a dry vagina.
The list cannot be exhausted but it's wise to know when the situation *refuses laughter*..hence necessitating a call to physician. For instance, if the pain/ discomfort lasts beyond three days or is accompanied by severe vaginal bleeding, seek medical assistance.