Monday, 13 March 2023



Infertility is a word used to describe not being in a position to conceive after at least one year of trying while in the productive age bracket. Recurrent miscarriage in women is also termed infertility. According to World Health Organization, 2020 report 186 million adults live with infertility worldwide. In Kenya, around five million adults live with infertility while two out of every ten couples have fertility issues. Among infertile couples, infertility prevalence chances are two-thirds in women and a third in men. The blame for delayed birth or childlessness in a marriage is seen as a woman’s fault by our society which makes infertility in women a topic of interest. Here are the various factors that cause infertility in women.

Primary ovarian dysfunction: Most cases of infertility in women result from a problem with producing eggs (Ova). In this case, the ovary never produces ova, maybe producing an unhealthy egg, stops producing before menopause, or releases an egg irregularly. Ovarian cancer, ovarian cyst, poly-cystic ovarian syndrome ovarian torsion, or twisting of the ovary are the major ovarian issues that lead to infertility in women.

Tubal disorders: A normal female has two Fallopian tubes in their reproductive system. A blocked or damaged Fallopian tube leaves a woman with infertility issues. This issue prevents sperms from reaching the ova in the Fallopian tube for fertilization and even if fertilization occurs, the zygote is blocked from traveling to the uterus. Some of the causes of blocked tubes are untreated Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), surgery in the lower abdomen, ruptured appendix, complications of unsafe abortion, and inflammatory infections.

Uterine disorders: The uterus in women is located at the back of the bladder and in front of the rectum. This is the place where the embryo is anchored until it grows into a baby and a hostile environment inside causes miscarriages which reciprocate to infertility. Uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and uterine prolapse are the uterine disorders leading to most infertility causes in women.

Disorder of the endocrine system: Endocrine disorders are known to disrupt the production of reproductive hormones in the body. The endocrine system is made up of the glands that produce hormones, receptors that respond to hormones, and the organs that are directly impacted by the hormones. The amount of hormones released depends on the body’s needs at a given time. Too much or little release can widely affect a woman’s fertility.


Every human has a right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. Individuals and couples have the right to decide the number, timing, and spacing of their children. Infertility can negate the realization of these wishes with women suffering the most as they are subjected to violence, divorce, social stigma, emotional stress, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem hence addressing infertility is an important part of realizing these rights of individuals and couples.

Wednesday, 8 February 2023


In Kenya, land gains value with time unlike any other asses which in most cases depreciates. Look for instance at a car, you buy it for two million and in three months you must sell it at a lower value. Those who have tried it can attest that land is the best treasure regardless of its location. Places that were once deemed home for wild animals are today homes to humans, those that were once small villages today are towns and the least known about shopping centers today are cities. This explains the ever increasing demand for land investments. In order to maximize on returns, it calls for due diligence when buying a land. In my article I have explained factors to consider when buying a piece of land.

Location: Bearing your intention in mind; (investment for future/ to build a home) Consider suitability of the location when buying land. For instance if you want to buy a piece of earth for constructing your home check how close it is to your work place, the climate, type of soils in the area and accessibility using various means of transport.

Availability of infrastructure: Good road, electricity and water supply network greatly contributes to growth and development in an area. When buying land check for this connectivity or even prospective projects by the government contributing to the same in the area. Also be on the checkout for availability of social amenities such as schools, hospitals and the place of worship of your choice. The better the place is endowed with these features the better it is for settlement and even investment as it is likely to give better returns in the future.

Affordability: When buying land, it is important to consider your purchasing power. There are many locations and companies to choose from hence don’t overwhelm yourself especially when it comes to land for investment. Nothing is too little to invest as long as you can afford it. It is also advisable to buy a piece of land when is selling at its minimum especially if it’s for investment instead of when it is about to hit its climax.

Ownership History: To avoid being duped into monkey business, find the rightful owner of the land you intend to buy. This can be achieved by conducting a land search at the ministry of lands of the county where the land is located. Ask for the land map from the said owner and use it to compare against details at the ministry. Ensure that the Registry Index Map number on the map you hold is the same to one on the map the ministry of lands hold.

Seller of the land: Land can be bought from a real estate company or an individual. Be on the check for their reputation and transparency to avoid being duped. It is however advisable to purchase land from a registered real estate company as most provide or ensure availability of roads, electricity and water. The company takes the risks bullet for you and ensure they provide a clean land as they first do all the searches for you unlike when you deal with an individual.

Land business is endless and no matter how much it has been sold, we can’t run short of it as ownership keeps on circulating. Secure your future and that of your generation by investing on land as early as you can. Consider these and other factors in order to make a fulfilling land investment.


Tuesday, 7 September 2021




Known for fatal terrorism acts including the bombing of U.S Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the year 2002 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Osama Bin Laden was a radicalized Saudi Arabian Muslim who believed that Muslims should rise up in a Jihad (Holy war) to create a single Islamic state. Osama’s mission begun in the year 1979 after the attack of Afghanistan by Soviet troupes. For a start, He worked together with Azzam to mobilize financial and moral support for Afghan rebels as well as encouraging young men from all over Middle East to be part of Afghan Jihad. Later on, they begun a global recruitment network which offered training and armament after which Bin Laden created a group (Al Qaeda) whose main focus was on acts of terrorism duped violent Jihad. Osama’s untimely death happened in the year 2011 after staying in a hide out for a decade while still recruiting young Jihads and plotting new attacks. The death of Osama Bin Laden was and still is very significant globally.


Impact on Al Qaeda: Osama Bin Laden was the founder and overall leader of Al Qaeda troupes. He came up with Ideologies that were and re still used in radicalization of Islamic population globally. His brutal Killing even after evading American troupes for a decade sent a signal to the Al Qaeda that no man is Sovereign and that America’s pursuit is relentless. The brutal massacre of their own stirred fear and it is the reason they started issuing threats of revenge. The death of Osama Bin laden was a blow to the leadership of Al Qaeda as it left open chances of it being conquered by Counter-terrorism troupes in case of friction in leadership succession. This pauses uncertainty to the future of Al Qaeda.

Impact on global security:  Osama Bin Laden was involved in planning of various terrorist attacks. For instance, he had accomplished Jihadist attacks in every continent during his last twelve months of existence where suicidal bombings and mass murder of civilians tactics were used by his troupes. The past well calibrated terrorist attacks by Al Qaeda united world nations into a fight against violent Islamic extremism. The death of Osama Bin Laden did not spell an immediate collapse of Al Qaeda or even an end to terrorist attacks as at that time, Al Qaeda was a well-organized network of terrorist operating independently. Again Afghanistan was in a fight against Taliban who were their present Enemy. The killing was accomplished by American forces which demonstrated that western skills and determination can prevail. This prompted the need for nations to remain united in the fight against terrorism and to date more has been accomplished with more world nations joining NATO.


Impact on U.S security interest: The death of Osama Bin Laden had a negative implication on Al Qaeda’s ability to remain a major threat to U.S security interests as he remained the sole decision maker in the development of major its strategies of terrorist operation. The ability of American troupes to eliminate the world security enemy further boosted world’s trust and confidence in their power. However, it is believed that the death could lead to an attempt by the leader of an affiliated Al Qaeda group to lead a more intense global terrorist gender with the hope of rising to a place of prominence in succession of Al Qaeda overall leader Osama Bin Laden which meant a no rest in fight against terrorism to the US security forces.


Impact on Pakistan U.S relations: The fact that Osama Bin Laden was found in a posh Mansion in Pakistan in a large and well protected compound at the time when he was killed rose doubts over Pakistan’s dedication to war against Islam extremism. Questions over Pakistan’s role, potential and complicity in Bin Laden’s refuge in the Country arose with a suspected possibility that he had a support system there. The suspense led to withdrawal of American forces from Pakistan at a time when they needed them the most to help fight Taliban but the U.S president emphasized on the need of Pakistan to join U.S in battling Islamic extremism including Al Qaeda and its affiliate groups. In the wake of revelations that the world’s most wanted terrorist had for a long time sought refuge at the heart of Pakistan, the U.S government withdrew their foreign assistance and military reimbursements to Pakistan Government. An act of law was also introduced to prohibit future foreign assistance to Pakistan unless the Secretary of State satisfies that in no way was the country involved in hiding Osama Bin Laden.


Impact on Anti-American Sentiment in Pakistan: American anti-Muslim foreign policy had for a long time remained prevalent among Pakistan who were angered about them. The US intelligence operation and raiding of Pakistan which led to the killing of Osama spiked the anger which led to reporting of Osama’s death by Pakistan media outlets in a positive light regardless of fact that he was a foreigner. The absence of Pakistan government in the operation was harshly questioned by some outlets which brought in a perception that the country had allowed its sovereignty to be violated. The death also brought out clearly the fact that Osama had a number of supporters in Pakistan but most had their views rooted in his embodiment of Anti-American resistance than in his violent Jihad method and this is the reason very few Pakistans were willing to take it to the streets in honor of his death.


In conclusion, Osama Bin Laden’s death is notably the most significant and symbolic achievement in the fight against global terrorism. The death did not spell the end of Al Qaeda but it greatly shook its leadership and its future thriving was unasured. Owing to this, the global efforts against terrorism have intensified with more countries coming together to form a strong military forces that are to help Combat acts of terrorism in the world. The American forces success in tracking and killing Osama after remaining in hide out for a decade was an indication of prevalence of useful skills in American forces, dedication and determination and that the fight against terrorism will long remain a matter of diligent law enforcement and persistence.













Wednesday, 27 November 2019


Have you ever felt like Urgh! It's getting so sore down there or the fuck is becoming unbearably rough? Have you felt like the tunnel of goodies is occasionally pinching you? All this happens when the wells goes dry. At extreme cases, vaginal dryness can cause sores or cracking in the vaginal tissue. So what causes vaginal dryness? Here is your get to know.

Drug treatment: Drugs such as allergy and cold medications, antidepressants and cancer treatments causes vaginal dryness. These drugs impacts a drying effect which dries out mucus membranes including the one found in vaginal tissue.

Hygiene products: Chemicals found in feminine sprays, harsh soaps, swimming pool, hot tub, some washing powders can greatly alter the thin mucus lining found on the walls of the vagina meant for keeping it wet. Ladies who does douching are also prone to vaginal dryness as it washes away the mucus membrane. 

Hormonal changes: The hormone  Estrogen is responsible for maintaining vaginal wetness, elasticity and its general health. Hormonal changes  as a result of childbirth, breastfeeding or menopause lowers Oestrogen levels which leads to vaginal dryness. Hormonal family planning methods such as the use of patch, Depo injection among others causes a shift in hormonal balances thus contributing to the problem.

Insufficient arousal: The chemistry between the two partners in the act and their state of mind plays a big role in levels of arousal. A smart chemistry bring fast and complete arousal while relaxed and present mind complements the feeling thus rendering the wells wet. Insufficient arousal that can be a result of poor preparation, stress or depression results to a dry vagina.
Smoking: Ladies who smoke cigarettes and or marijuana experience vaginal dryness. These drugs dries up mucus membranes around the body. Mouth feels sore and itchy, throat feels dry, Eyes feels dry and vaginal tissue is not an exception. The thin mucus lining is rendered dry and oooh yes! The dry Vagygy syndroms draws in.
Smoking: Ladies who smoke cigarettes and or marijuana experience vaginal dryness. These drugs dries up mucus membranes around the body. Mouth feels sore and itchy, throat feels dry, Eyes feels dry and vaginal tissue is not an exception. The thin mucus lining is rendered dry and oooh yes! The dry Vagygy syndroms draws in.

The list cannot be exhausted but it's wise to know when the situation *refuses laughter*..hence necessitating a call to physician. For instance, if the pain/ discomfort lasts beyond three days or is accompanied by severe vaginal bleeding, seek medical assistance.

Monday, 18 November 2019


Secondary school to a majority who go through it is deemed a voluntary prison; a shell that shields you from living a life your wish as a teenager. Back then we dreaded highschool life because we were cut off from getting entertained to our satisfaction, getting meals of choice as well as restrained movement for those of us in boarding schools. I donno what you hated the most about life in highschool.

After years of that longing, to pen down the last letter on your KCSE paper the euphoric  moment is here. Right? You may never have tried to visualize how the after highschool life maybe like. However, from experience I can assure you that it's  both exuberant and tough. However I am here for you. Here are some tips on how to make after highschool life easier to maneuver through.

Credit management:  with your mobile phone around you 24-7, airtime becomes part of your daily expense. Poor airtime use habits can get you overwhelmed to an extent of stealing from your parents or lying just to have it. So how can you remain connected to your friends without necessarily biting more than you can chew. First, make affordable weekly or monthly bundle subscriptions for data and messages. It saves you the heck of daily subscription. Secondly avoid unnecessary calls to friends n relatives and finally do not spend what you do not have. Avoid okoa jahazi thing!

Get something to do: After highschool, homestay becomes easier  when you have something to keep you busy than when you idle around. * Idle mind is the devil's workshop*.While at home, stay engaged in a value addition activity. Be quick to accept training offers that parents may organize for you. You can not only go for computer lessons, but also go for driving, beauty therapy, playing musical instruments lessons...such. You can also help your parents with suggestions of trainings you maybe interested in.
Grab available money making opportunities: A form four leaver is seen as an adult in the society. Apart from a few who are babied around by their guardians, you should step out and go out to hustle instead of depending on your parents entirely even for that much needed credit. Be on the watch out for any decent employment opportunity around you. There is that mama looking for an m.pesa operator, there is a hotel looking for attendants, there is business looking for shop attendant. At this stage you are employable. Look even for juniors looking for people to coach them. You will earn as you learn. Don't  just sit back and watch movies from morning to morning. 

Play safe, cyber bullying is real:

Today, access to information and sharing is almost instant. Be careful about what you share out with your friends, especially anything visual. We have had cases of suicide out of a teen sharing nudes with their confidant and the moment the relationship goes sore, the confidant exposes them. Play safe, avoid sharing content that can cause havoc incase it lands in the wrong hands. Again remember that the internet never forgets, avoid sharing what you may wish to undo in future but cannot be undone.

Uphold discipline: Anywhere you go values that add up to discipline must be upheld if you want to live peacefully with the people around you. Being obedient, honest, chaste and focused will greatly help you in moving even when translating into your next level in life. Avoid dating around, sleeping around, drinking around and no one shall question your integrity.
P/Time to go home